Ask Terence McKenna

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11 total mentions.
8 talks with query:
"think clearly"
(0.1 seconds)

Psychedelics in the Age of Intelligent Machines mind and the machine mind is symbolic logic, mathematics. When we think clearly, we are intelligible to machines. People who write code know this: th...

1999 2
The Future of Art

...great book to read. The point that he makes there is that when humans think clearly, they think the same way machines think. In other words, if you think...

1998 2
aka The Evolution of a Psychedelic Thinker

...nal, adaptational change that would serve you well than being able to think clearly? I mean, if a flatworm could think clearly, evolutionary horizons wou...

1989 2
In the Valley of Novelty

...y, as in computer language, body language, so forth and so on. And to think clearly about language, we need to have a clear distinction between spoken la...

1998 1
Riding the Range with Marshall McLuhan

...k dichotomy. McLuhan never discussed psychedelics, but psychedelics I think clearly are an extension of these kinds of media that you have to engage with...

1995 1
Surfing on Finnegans Wake

...chotomy. McLuhan never discussed psychedelics, uh, but psychedelics I think clearly are an extension of these kinds of media that we have to engage with....

1995 1
Search For The Original Tree Of Knowledge

... probability theory has made it almost impossible for us to [4:59:00] think clearly about anything. Because it- it contains certain built in insidious as...

1992 1
Psychedelic Society

... definitely an obligation to examine the possibility of action and to think clearly about self and other, language and world, past and future, because to...

1984 1